Hop to it

I’m a big fan of real ale as well as bread: after all, the two are linked by a common heritage thanks to the role of yeast in their creation (and that’s not the only reason…). Like many real ale drinkers, I’ve been seduced by the punchy, citrus flavours of beers made with hops from the US and New Zealand, but this article in The Guardian (anyone who reads this blog will by now realise that I’m a Guardianista, and unrepentant with it) has made me rethink the merits of our native varieties. The kick of hops like Chinook, Nelson Sauvin and Amarillo can’t be denied but, then again, one of the greatest British beers currently on offer, Fullers London Pride, uses only British hops, including stalwarts Target and Challenger. Don’t have a clue what I’m talking about? Get to grips with your hops here and sup a pint of Pride whilst you’re at it!